2021 The Estates Red Blend Oakville


Total $95

まさにその場所を反映しています。オークヴィル レッド ブレンド用に選ばれたブドウは、肥沃度が低く、水はけの良い土壌で最適な日光にさらされて栽培されており、豊かで複雑な風味と驚くべき果実の成熟を可能にしています。

Fresh, Dark Red Fruits
Sweet Spice

Black Cherry
Baking Spices

ABV 14.0%

Vintage 2021

Varietal Red Blend

Appellation Oakville

Acidity 6.53 g/L

pH 3.74

Residual Sugar 0.33 g/L

Composition 48% Cabernet Sauvignon, 20% Cabernet Franc, 13% Malbec, 10% Merlot, 9% Petit Verdot

The fruit for this wine came predominantly from our To Kalon Vineyard, which is located on prime benchland in the Oakville District appellation. The well-drained, low-fertility soils and optimal sun exposure here enable the development of rich, complex flavors and impeccable phenolic maturity.

Pts. James Suckling "This supple, sexy wine sourced mainly from the famous To Kalon vineyard is soaked in red and black fruit with savory black olive and bay accents, but it's the velvety, relaxed texture of fine-grained tannins that really captures your interest. Drink or hold." - Jim Gordon, JamesSuckling.com, February 8, 2024